JumpWire Secureframe

JumpWire and Secureframe combine to create world-class Data Security Posture Management .

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Continuously maintain security and privacy compliance with Secureframe's industry-leading GRC platform.
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Enforce data handling policies with JumpWire as data flows through internal tools, applications, and SaaS vendors.

Data Security Posture Management

Enforce policies from database through API

JumpWire secures data directly in your databases and API endpoints. By applying your security policies through a transparent proxy, sensitive fields in database and API requests/responses are encrypted while the rest of the data is unchanged.


Automate end-to-end compliance processes

Secureframe is the most trusted and comprehensive automated security, privacy and compliance platform. We take pride in being a critical partner to our customers who think of us as their own in-house compliance team in order to build an effective and scalable compliance program from the beginning.

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Customers of Secureframe receive 6 months free on an annual plan of JumpWire.
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